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Online Platforms for Couple Looking for Threesome in the World

The internet has opened up many opportunities for connecting people interested in exploring non-monogamy and alternative relationships. This includes threesomes and polyamory. There are now several dating platforms designed specifically for couples and singles seeking threesomes.


Bicupid is one of the largest and most popular threesome dating sites in United States, Australia, Canada, Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany... It provides a targeted community of open-minded people interested in threesome hookups, poly dating, and exploring their sexuality. Bicupid offers advanced search and matching tools to help users find compatible partners based on location, age, interests, and other criteria. Profiles on Bicupid allow couples and singles to communicate what they are looking for in a threesome relationship. Users can specify their preferences for different configurations, such as MMFF or MMF threesomes. The site also has verification features to ensure users are real. Other key features that facilitate the threesome dating experience include private photo albums, chat and messaging, video chat, user ratings, and the ability to save favorite profiles. Bicupid also offers helpful blogs and advice articles for successfully arranging threesome encounters.

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AdultFriendFinder stands out as "Join the world's largest dating and social network for adults", and the ultimate threesome dating site for couples seeking to explore their adventurous side. With its expansive user base and diverse community, AdultFriendFinder provides a safe and inclusive platform for individuals to connect with like-minded partners who share their desire for intimate encounters. Its user-friendly interface and robust features cater specifically to couples looking to spice up their relationships by inviting a third party into the mix. Whether couples are seeking a one-time experience or a more long-term arrangement, AdultFriendFinder offers a plethora of options to suit their preferences, making it the go-to destination for those craving excitement and exploration in their romantic lives.

Overall, sites like Bicupid, Adultfriendfinder provide a welcoming environment for singles and couples to explore non-monogamous dating. The specialized tools and large user base make it easier to find matches open to threesomes compared to general dating sites.

Creating a Threesome Dating Profile

When creating a profile on a threesome dating site or app, your photos, bio, and how you communicate your desires are key to success.


- Use recent, clear photos that accurately showcase what you look like. Group photos or photos with unclear faces may lead to confusion or disappointment later.

- Have a mix of photos including headshots, full body shots, and pictures showcasing your personality through hobbies, interests, etc.

- Avoid NSFW or explicit photos as your main profile picture. Save those for private photo sharing later on.

- Smile and project an inviting, approachable energy. This helps potential matches feel comfortable reaching out.


- Briefly explain who you are, what you seek, and what you offer as a threesome partner.

- Share your relationship status and orientation. Be upfront if you're single, a couple, straight, bisexual, etc.

- Describe your ideal threesome dynamic. Do you prefer intimacy together or one-on-one connections?

- List interests, hobbies, likes/dislikes to showcase your personality.

- Keep it short but intriguing. You want to give enough info to attract suitable matches.

Communicating Desires

- Be clear about what you want and your boundaries. Don't make matches guess.

- Ask potential partners questions to learn their desires and boundaries too.

- Discuss safer sex precautions, birth control, STI testing, and other important topics.

- Flirt, compliment, and express interest respectfully. Enthusiastic consent is essential.

- Take conversations to private chat when ready to explore deeper sexual interests.

- Meeting first in a public place is recommended to establish chemistry and comfort levels.

Arranging Threesome Encounters

When arranging threesome encounters, it's important to set clear boundaries and prioritize safety. This involves open communication with all parties about what each person is comfortable with, the limits they may have, and safe sex practices.

Some tips for arranging enjoyable and safe threesome encounters:

- Discuss boundaries beforehand. Talk about what sexual acts each person is open to or not. Consent should be explicit and ongoing.

- Pick a safe, private location. A home is often best to control the environment. Agree to ground rules like no unexpected visitors.

- Establish safe words. Agree on words anyone can use to pause or stop an act they are uncomfortable with. Respect them immediately.

- Use protection. Condoms, dental dams, and gloves should be used for penetration, oral sex, and any contact with fluids.

- Avoid excessive alcohol. While some drinks may help people relax, too much impairs judgment and consent.

- Check in frequently. Pause periodically to ask if everyone is still feeling good and consenting. Speak up if you need to slow down or stop.

- Debrief after. Have an open talk to share feedback on what worked well or could be improved next time.

With some care taken to set boundaries and stay safe, couple looking for threesomes can be adventurous intimate encounters enjoyed by all parties. Open communication every step of the way is key.